Mini Mischief Rattery

Current Litters

We are currently on our winter breeding slow down, so we will have limited availability for the next few months. We do not have any current litters available for adoption at this time, but we have lots of exciting plans for this Spring and Summer!

Planned Litters

We have a lot of changes going on at Mini Mischief Rattery right now! We recently imported several new groups of rats from ratteries all across the United States! We acquired some new varieties and some wonderful temperaments that we're so excited to mix into our current lines! While this is very exciting, it also means that we'll need some time to get to know these new rats and the traits they carry before making them available to the public, so it may be some time before rats from these new groups are available for adoption.
We are currently pairing a few females from our current lines, however, so we may have some babies available around late March / early May, and we're planning on a major baby boom later this Spring! We will begin pairing many of our rats starting in February and March, which means lots of babies should be available in May and throughout the summer.

Past Litters

Aleu x Stuart
This litter produced some wonderful babies! It was my first time crossing my dwarf line with my husky line, so all babies in this litter are dwarf carriers. They're all velveteen with plenty of roan and a mix of black and mink colorations, and they're super social so far! Some babies might be made available but most will be staying back with me since this is a first time outcross.

HeiRan x Kenji
This litter surprised me with so many shades of gold and cream despite both parents being black. The babies came out gorgeous, though many were shyer than I prefer, so only a handful were made available for adoption and are now in their new homes.

Turtleduck x Kodi
This Russian dove litter was an unexpected pairing when Kodi snuck out during the girl's free roam session, but I'm glad it happened because the babies turned out wonderfully sweet and outgoing. Babies from this litter are available now, though the wait list for girls is full.

Siren x Kodi
This litter was another unexpected surprise from Kodi, but again, I'm glad it happened because the babies turned out amazing and so gorgeous too! It was full of Russian dove/pearls in standard and silvermane coats. All available babies from this litter have been adopted.

Rangi x Bato (round 2)
This dumbo litter turned out lovely with shades of Russian blue, dove, and Pearl. Their overall temperaments were sweet and curious and all babies found homes quickly.

Poki x Bato
This litter produced mostly hairless babies and they came out so sweet and social! They're all doing great in their new homes

Adina x Bato
This lovely litter produced primarily Russian blue and dove babies with a mixture of standard and silvermane coats. It was an experimental litter so I didn't know what to expect, but most babies turned out mild-mannered and curious. I will be test breeding a couple to see how they do as breeders.

Hael x Conrad
This "husky" litter turned out stunning with lots of roan shades and silvermane. They're the first Russian blue roans that I've produced and I'm so excited about them! One of my main breeding goals is to establish a line of blue and black "husky" varieties and these babies are a great step towards that goal. This line is not currently available for adoption as I'm still working through some hormonal issues in the males.

Pearl Girl x Nano
This litter is still young, but is quickly becoming one of my favorite litters so far! They all swarm my hand at the cage door and are so friendly and curious about everything I'm doing. To top it off, they come in beautiful shades of blue, pearl, and silvermane, with some harley mixed in! I will be holding back all harley babies to hopefully start a new and improved Harley line with soon.

Riley x Stuart
This litter turned out to be one of my best dwarf litters so far and even produced a surprise manx babies! We are still working on temperament in our dwarf line, however, so dwarf babies are not yet available to the public.

Rangi x Bato
This litter was a small one consisting of just 4 girls, all Russian Pearl with one hairless. They all turned out super sweet and sociable as well, just like their parents. The only available girl has been reserved, but I hope to have some babies available soon from Rangi's sister, Pearl Girl.

Nibbles x Nano
This Holiday litter turned out to be primarily Russian blue in color with a few Platinums thrown in. Coat types are mostly standard with a couple harleys and several silvermanes as well. Some females from this litter are currently available for adoption.

Naga x Bato
These babies turned out absolutely stunning with Russian blue, Pearl, and dove in standard and silvermane coats. I held all these babies back for observation as there are a few kinks I'm trying to work out in this line, so none were put up for adoption.

Fluffykins x Nano
This litter turned out nice and plump! They are all Russian blue except for one light Platinum baby. Coat types are mostly standard with a couple harleys and many silvermane as well. The wait list for these guys filled up fast and all babies have been reserved.

Zu x Nano
Zu's first litter is turned out beautiful! It produced Russian blue, Russian dove, and Pearl with a mixture of coat types including standard, silvermane, harley, and hairless. All available babies from this litter have been reserved.

Ru x Bato
Ru's did great with her first litter! She produced all Russian blue with a mix of standard and hairless coats, along with one foster Pearl baby from her sister, Sky. And they had some really sweet temperaments too. All available babies from this litter have been reserved.

Cream of Wheat x Stuart
Cream of Wheat's second litter was smaller than her first with just 4 babies. It produced 2 mink and 2 beige self velveteen and might be my best tempered dwarf litter so far! But I still have work to do on this line, so babies from this litter were not made available for adoption.

Kya x Bato
This litter, once again, threw a lot of surprises! It produced not only Russian blue, but also Russian dove (blue + mink) and Russian pearl! I'm quickly discovering Russian pearl to be one of my favorite varieties. All babies from this litter have been adopted

Dalia x Koda
This experimental litter is nicknamed "The Storm Litter" since they were born the day of a hurricane. They were experimental to see if Koda carries the hairless gene. Turns out he does! Some genes don't mix well with hairless so this is good information to have. All babies from this litter have been adopted.

Kya x Nano
This litter threw a lot of surprises! While I was expecting all standard coats, it ended up producing standard, harley, and hairless babies! All the babies had great personalities and I'm already excited about the hold backs I've selected. Two hairless brothers are still available from this litter.

Koko x Nano
This litter is turned out adorable with 100% Russian blue babies in Rex, Harley, and standard coats. While the temperaments were solid, this line does need some work on mycoplasma resistance as a few babies were more sniffly than I'd like. Overall, though, I'm happy with how they came out and am very excited to see what the next generation brings.

Eilish x Flopsie
This litter turned out absolutely beautiful! Much to my surprise, their colors include Pearl, Russian dove, and possibly Havana, with most babies being silvermane as well. All babies from this litter have found homes.

Cream of Wheat x Meelo
This dwarf litter produced 100% mink velveteens, despite neither parent showing as mink! Genetics can be so funny. Unfortunately, most of this litter is turning out to be shyer than I'd like, so most will be staying here with me rather than going to pet homes while I work on improving the confidence of this line.

Miyuki x Meelo
Miyuki only had 2 babies this time around, making it her last litter. Luckily, she gave me plenty of daughters the first time! The little mink roan velveteen male is turning out to be one of my favorite dwarfs so far and I'm hoping to keep him as a breeder.

Miyuki x The Duke
This was our first litter of dwarf rats and we were so excited about the beautiful colors they produced! This litter had black, mink, Siamese, and beige in both self (solid) and roan ("husky") patterns. It also included dumbo ears and fluffy velveteen coats!

Nyla x Nano
This was our first litter of standard rats. With them, we hope to eventually produce a line of both blue and black "husky"/"opossum" rats, just like their mom, and also to incorporate their adorable velveteen coats into our blue line. This litter produced all black and black silvermanes with self, berkshire, and irish patterns and dumbo and velveteen coats.

Hei Bai x Nano
This litter was bred purely for temperament since their mom and dad are the two sweetest rats we have. To our pleasant surprise, many came out a beautiful shade of blue! We now plan to start a line of blue silvermane standards based off them. This litter produced black and Russian blue in self, berkshire, and irish patterns. It also contained dumbo ears and lots of silvermane coats!